10 mobile applications for beginners learning Python
30 January 2023
Now it is difficult to imagine life and study without smartphones and mobile applications. We have collected 16 applications for iOS and Android, which will help in learning Python.
Apps to learn Python on Android and iOS
There are many applications and training programs for those wishing to learn Python. This section contains step-by-step courses with practical tasks and questions to test your knowledge to help you learn the language from scratch.
Learn Python (Programminghub)

Programminghub offers step-by-step instruction from small lessons in English. Each lesson lasts no longer than 5 minutes and ends with a small control test. There is an interpreter to execute code on python directly in the application. The program is suitable for beginners who speak English.

Devices: iOS and Android
Store rating: Google Play 4.7
Language: English
Price: free and pro version (Paid)
Learn Python SoloLearn

SoloLearn consists of step-by-step lessons that are divided into learning blocks: control structures, functions and modules, exceptions and files, functional programming, OOP, regular expressions. The material is designed for beginners and is written in simple language.
Devices: iOS and Android
Store rating: Google Play 4.4, App Store 4.8
Language: Russian, English, Spanish
Price: free
Python Code Play

The application is more like a textbook in English. The materials are divided by topics and described in detail. It is more suitable for a fluent English student. In addition to the theoretical part, there is a section of quizzes with answers to questions and a section for assessing knowledge in the form of interview questions.
Devices: Android
Store rating: Google Play 4.7
Language: English
Price: free, there is advertising

The program consists of small thematic lessons that make up a single course. The lessons are taught in English, but can be understood even if you have only a basic knowledge of the language. Each section ends with a small test with questions on the topic. There are practical examples in a separate section, which can be edited and run in the built-in interpreter. Lessons are sequential, but by buying a paid version, you can jump between them, as well as access to additional materials.
Devices: iOS and Android
Store rating: Google Play 4.4, App Store 4.6
Language: English
Price: free, pro-version , in the free version there is advertising
If you are serious about learning Python, you should consider an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for creating, editing and debugging programs. It is convenient, if the IDE is at hand – there are several mobile applications for this purpose.
Pydroid 3

Supports the latest version of the Python interpreter 3.8, advanced libraries NumPy, SciPy and matplotlib for data analysis. For machine learning, there is support for Scikit Learn and TensorFlow. Tkinter can be imported for GUI-based development. The interface is in pure English, but it is intuitive and contains many hints, syntax highlighting and other tokens to make code easier to write.
Platform: Android
Store rating: 4.4
Price: free, paid.
QPython 3L

Another effective and convenient code editor for Android. There is support for libraries QPYI and SL4A. The interpreter Python works in standalone mode, at startup does not require an Internet connection. The package includes detailed documentation.
Platform: Android
Store rating: 4.0
Price: free

Acode is a simple and lightweight IDE for Andriod. This application is not exclusively focused on Python, but supports multiple languages. Without advertising, you can develop code in Python or create a template using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. In contrast to QPython and Pydroid 3, the program interface is localized.
Platform: Android
Store rating: 4.6
Price: free

Allows you to write small Python programs on your iPhone and view their results on the screen, combining code and paragraphs of text with the Markdown markup. It has a stand-alone Python interpreter, as well as pre-installed packages Numpy, Sympy, Matplotlib, Pandas, lxml, bokeh. To see the full list of packages, enter “% pip list” in the code window, and you can install additional packages using “% pip install packageName”.
Platform: iOS
Store rating: 4.2
Price: free

This iOS scripting environment supports Python 3.6 and 2.7. It also provides access to popular third-party modules, an interactive hint with autocomplete code, a visual debugger, a UI editor, and other features.
Platform: iOS
Store rating: 4.6
Price: Paid
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