Author: DICC Institute

Direct and Indirect Investment methods in stock market

12 May 2020 By DICC Institute

There are several methods for investing in the stock market. You can trade by yourself on the stock market but it is quite risky and speculative as you don’t know how to professionally trade in the stock market, it is recommended to go for professional stock market training. Even after getting training a trader has to improvise consistently; […]

How Stock Market Works

11 May 2020 By DICC Institute

The placing of orders on the stock market To buy stocks, bonds or derivatives on the stock market, you must go through a broker. You need to open a securities account with your bank or open a trading account with an online broker. The broker or bank then allows you to place stock market orders […]

The role of stock market in economic growth and development

11 May 2020 By DICC Institute

The stock exchange provides a platform between investors and companies and provides a strong foundation in proper functioning of the economy. Many feel that stock market is mere a speculative platform and doesn’t have any role to play in economy. They are actually made a huge mistake considering it just a speculative platform. Joining a […]

What is Stock Market and Stock Exchanges

11 May 2020 By DICC Institute

What is the stock market? The stock market is a market place where one can buy or sell financial securities. It trades different asset classes such as stocks, bonds, commodities, derivatives and futures. Some stock exchanges are specialized only in a field such as commodities or futures contracts but the majority of stock exchanges are […]

Why Programming is important for Hackers

10 May 2020 By DICC Institute

Being a hacker seems to be a dominant position with so much to explore at your fingertips. But are there any prerequisites for being a good pirate? Or can you acquire enough knowledge to become a good hacker? What most people do not realize is that being a hacker is not a singular field, you must also have […]

Top 25 penetration testing tools of Kali Linux 2020

22 April 2020 By DICC Institute

Kali Linux operating system offers probably the best hacking & penetration testing tools today. With their extensive documentation, community and tools, getting started in the world of cyber security is not as difficult as it was 20 years back; nowadays, you can find predefined tools for almost anything you imagine. By properly implementing these Kali Linux tools, […]