Hack Facebook And Gmail Using Password Extractor Tool.

2 November 2022 By Rahul Garg

I’ve posted various tutorials on Facebook and Gmail Hacking, here is another one. There are many ways to complete a hack , It becomes more easy when we have a physical access to the computer.

Most of us don’t type the username and password every time we access the Facebook/Gmail. We use the feature “Remember me”.  Our Machine always remember the password and provides it every time we log in to Facebook/Gmail.

Those passwords are stored somewhere into our system in hashed format.

For instance, Mozilla stores the users passwords at:


If we know how to crack the hashed passwords, We can simply get into someone’s Facebook account. We’ll use Elcomsoft’s Password Extraction Tool to get the Facebook/Gmail password.

ElcomSoft is a Russian based company best known for its password recovery software for programs like Microsoft Word and Quicken, produced by Intuit. According to AleksandrKatalov, president of ElcomSoft, the company’s clients include many United States government agencies, including the F.B.I. and the Central Intelligence Agency.

ElcomSoft serves governments, military and law enforcement customers by supplying a range of tools for computer and mobile forensics. Our tools are fully accountable and forensically sound, and require no steep learning curve and no special trainings or certifications. Evidence extracted or recovered with ElcomSoft tools is admissible in the court. Expert-level support, concise maintenance and update policies make our products a solid investment.

In one of the first cases of criminal prosecution under a 1998 federal digital copyright law, a 27-year-old Russian cryptographer was arrested at a Las Vegas hotel on Monday morning, a day after giving a presentation to a large convention of computer hackers on decrypting the software used to protect electronic books.” said The New York Times.

There is a tool developed by Elcomsoft for Windows OS, known as Internet Passoword Breaker.  You can download the tool from Elcomsoft’s Website.

The tool extracts the saved password information from system and then cracks it.

On the other hand we could download the user’s browser password file and open the file locally into our system.

Currently Software supports following Browsers.

Microsoft Internet Explorer, Edge, Apple Safari, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera and Yandex Web browsers, POP3, IMAP, SMTP and NNTP passwords, Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express, Windows Mail and Windows Live Mail, Thunderbird.

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