10 Most Popular Myths About SEO.
7 February 2022Table of Contents
- 1. SEO is way too complicated for the usual people.
- 2. There is too much to learn to do SEO. I’ll never learn such type of skills.
- 3. The moment I Indexed my site for search engines, I got all the business done.
- 4. SEO optimisation needs too much time.
- 5. For success, I shall place my page in at least 1000 search engines – is that true?
- 6. My site is way too big to do everything alone.
- 7. Meta tags are the most important part of the process.
- 8. I need directories to get a high rating for the page.
- 9. It’s not possible for me to reach the top if the keywords are very small.
- 10. I don’t need SEO, the search engines are nice to me.
- Building An Online Community With In Your Blog.
- Using A Blog For SEO Purposes.
- What Significance Are Keywords And Meta Tags To You.
- What Makes Up A Good Blog.
1. SEO is way too complicated for the usual people.
It’s actually not true. The basics of the good SEO technology are placed in the basic texts, which will help you to make your text nice and clearly readable by the search machines. Of course, there are some complicated SEO topics, still, it’s much more an exception than the main rule. If you’re comfortable with the basics, you may start making SEO optimization for your site. Read the corresponding articles like “Ten steps to nicely optimized site” etc. There you will get the knowledge about how does the optimization process go.
2. There is too much to learn to do SEO. I’ll never learn such type of skills.
And yet again it’s not completely true. SEO is no less then any other subject, still it’s nothing more then a one. You don’t feel like getting a fishing specialist after seeing one single program on TV? Here we have got the same things, start from the very beginning and learn from the basics to the complicated things, step by step without fear or hesitation. Be sure that the knowledge will definitely come to you slowly. After feeling like you have learnt the basic concepts, try reading “SEO 101” for getting the overview of SEO.
3. The moment I Indexed my site for search engines, I got all the business done.
This is a completely false statement, as the indexing in search engines doesn’t guarantee high level of visitors. All you’ve done is you showed to the others you’re here, so they are now able to find you through the search engine. Yet still, you’ve got to do something for them to start looking for you. The best option is to get to the highest ranks of the search engines, so the link onto your resource will appear on the first page. Study the basics of publication for the information on the topic.
4. SEO optimisation needs too much time.
Not exactly again. The meaning of the effective optimisation is not a complicated one. All you need to know is that you shall have the unique interesting content, the code and the site design. You’re already spending enough efforts on these things, so all you need to do is to keep in mind the SEP basics to interlace them all into the project and to help yourself for the very point. Read the materials like “When do I see the first results?” to sustain your curiosity.
5. For success, I shall place my page in at least 1000 search engines – is that true?
This might appear to be the most common myth about SEO, as well as the most false one. First of all, think about all these search engines. Did you ever use any of them? So why do you think all other people know about their existence at all? If somebody asks for money to make publishing, he will most likely do nothing about it. Read “The basics of the site placement” for your consideration.
6. My site is way too big to do everything alone.
Be sure Roma wasn’t created at one single day. Same goes about your site. Take your time to consider the most useful tactics and start making everything page by page. Creating one page at a time will be just fine. Remember that every page is the bright door to your site available for the visitors. Concentrate over the post popular pages, try to analyze what do they actually need, after that consider the materials you have and make the proper decision. While combining the material, keep in mind the basics of SEO, to the effect would be greater.
7. Meta tags are the most important part of the process.
The popular Meta tags are just as important keywords as the other ones. They are usually placed as words, headlines, descriptions; all this is usually used by bots to index your page. There’s no actual fact for these tags to be the most important task for the SEO master. Still they are an important task of the popularisation of your resource, to keep them in mind as well.
8. I need directories to get a high rating for the page.
There is one thing you must know about directories, they are overflowing with keywords etc. All these ways are considered to be the black hat SEO techniques and shall never take place in normal ways of optimisation. These can be even considered as spam, and the bots will just ignore your site.
9. It’s not possible for me to reach the top if the keywords are very small.
The SEO optimization will demand a lot of energy from you as well as lot of efforts. You might think it’s actually not true, but a single thing won’t just bring you to the top. Your goals should not to be in the very top of the list at any cost. The most important thing is to offer your services to the audience, and this might happen on the third page as well. It’s sometimes enough to build a really good site with a lot of options and offers of the craved product to get a lot of visitors. Your site shall be productive and created according to the tendencies.
10. I don’t need SEO, the search engines are nice to me.
And yet again we have to agree with that. No matter how satisfied you are with the current level of visitors? Will you be satisfied with it in a month? Perhaps you will ask for something more and that is the most important part of SEO optimization. Take your time to learn the basic opportunities in order to make your site even more appealing for the clients.