Builiding Successful Online Business.

3 February 2022 By Rahul Garg

In internet forums and blogs people actively discuss the problem of website conversion rate evaluation and its increasing. The increasing part is one of the key tasks of web analytics, so this issue should be considered in more details. So, what site conversion means? The simplest definition is the following: it is a process of making clients (customers) from site visitors. Conversion percent is […]

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7 Tools For Guest Bloggers.

3 February 2022 By Rahul Garg

Why do people guest-blog? For self- or product promotion, for traffic, money or just for interest’s sake. Indeed, guest blogging has become a marketing goldmine and all self-respecting online business owners tend to create a discourse around their product or service in blogosphere. Not all of them have the ability to write excellent posts which make the readers beg […]

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Why Is Free E-mail Marketing A Good Option For Small Business In A Struggling Economy.

30 January 2022 By Rahul Garg

To say that business conditions these days are less than ideal across the board would be a great understatement. Because of these conditions, companies must tread carefully when it comes to funding the marketing initiatives necessary for their very survival. Email marketing is already affordable, but it just doesn’t get any more economical than free. […]

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Time Management Tips For Bloggers.

30 January 2022 By Rahul Garg

Blogging is certainly not as easy as many people think it is. Blogging is actually a business and involves a lot more than just writing good content. Getting a nice design, moderating comments and promoting blogs are only just a bit of the whole blogging business. Running blogs as a professional does take up a lot of time especially if the […]

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The Top 5 Facebook Apps To Promote Your Blog.

30 January 2022 By Rahul Garg

Blogging is the recent popular activity that all of us do regularly or in our free time. We share our thoughts and interests on a blog or give a comment on others blog or even become a blogger’s fan! Many people have taken up blogging for their livelihood. The concept of guest blogging allows people to post articles in […]

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Managing Password For Social Media Security.

30 January 2022 By Rahul Garg

Google has recently announced their new “admin” feature and Twitter is releasing brand pages for their websites. Google, Twitter and Facebook pages are typically not overseen by one individual, but by various individuals. This form of management proves suitable for social media companies, but it does impose serious security problems, especially when it comes to […]

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How To Increase Your Facebook Fan Base.

30 January 2022 By Rahul Garg

“Like us on Facebook” is probably a phrase that you have seen or heard countless times before. Chances are that you have “like” some of them before. Suffice to say, Facebook is fast becoming the most essential social media tool for businesses or brands to build a fan page, if it is not already one […]

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How To Create A Competitive Edge For Your Blog.

30 January 2022 By Rahul Garg

Every blog should commit itself to create a sustainable edge or advantage in order to stay competitive in their chosen market. In the blogging industry, blogs in similar niches are inter-connected to each other which forms a “community” that only intends one purpose – to share relevant and useful information. This can be in the […]

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