The 5 Best Sources For Finding Guest Posting Opportunities.
16 February 2022Many writers generate quality content for a variety of blogs across a wide range of subject areas. These articles they write are then marketed to blogs that preferably have a decent PR (Page Rank) in Google, along with high domain authority and page authority. For many bloggers who work in article marketing for SEO, the biggest obstacle to link building isn’t writing the content – it’s finding high quality blogs to publish the articles on. It works like this: a blogger finds a high quality site to write an article for, then writes the article. The article is written and provided to the blogger, usually at no cost, but in exchange for a link and anchor text to be included either in the body of the main article, or in a resource box at the end. The more links that exist for any given URL , the higher it is likely to rank when Google crawls that site. This is a legitimate, white hat form of link building that can still be very useful for SEO, as long as the blogger knows of many high quality blogs to submit articles to. Here are the five best sources for finding high quality guest posting opportunities:
- tart with blogs you already read on a regular basis. If you enjoy writing about remote controlled catboats, chances are you will also enjoy writing about them. Perhaps you have already become involved with this specialty blog by registering as a user or commenting on articles and forum posts. If so, then you already have a connection. Contact the blog’s owner and propose an article, even if it seems out of your league. It just might pan out.
- Make use of search engines to locate blogs that actively invite guest posters to submit articles. A search for words that flag a site as guest post friendly might look something like this: intext:”write for us”, or intext:”guest posting.” You can try different search terms, or add intext parameters to combine several at a time. Once you get the results, save them someplace and keep them organized so that you can find them again easily.
- Consult MyBlogGuest – a site specializing in pairing content writers with blog owners searching for fresh articles to publish on their sites. Here, you’ll find forums where site owners post messages seeking particular articles and setting forth their writers’ guidelines. You’ll need to contact the original poster for any additional information you may need. Alternately, if you have a paid account here, you will have access to the article gallery, where you can post completed articles that can be found by bloggers who conduct a search.
- Search Twitter. Twitter search results yield instant leads, in real time. That means they’re even better than Google Alerts, and since you can search on the same strings as you would with Google Alerts you know you’re not missing anything. Furthermore, Twitter has search specialization that can greatly assist your efforts – such as searching by hashtags, geographic location, and even the date.
- Try searching for Blogger Linkup – another site dedicated to linking blog owners with content writers – but not via forums. Instead, subscribers receive a periodic email newsletter with requests for articles on very specific topics.
These are a few ways to start building a collection of links to blogs that rank well with Google, and want posts from guest bloggers. Once you find a large number of sites to write for and organize them in some way (say, a spreadsheet or database) you can easily manage the frequency with which you make submissions to each site, build relationships with blog owners, and have an inexhaustible store of places to publish your articles for SEO. Happy searching.
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