5 Tips To Keep Rolling In Post Idea.

8 February 2022 By Rahul Garg

Coming up with a good, creative idea is the first step to writing a fantastic blog post. But if you are like most writers—especially those that write articles for Internet publications on a regular basis—you know how difficult it can be to come up with creative ideas day after day.  Sometimes you sit down to […]

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Why Your Paid Membership Site Can’t Go Without Free Content.

7 February 2022 By Rahul Garg

You have spent long months to create your WordPress membership site and you have just launched it but to your (unpleasant) surprise, it doesn’t attract the attention you thought it would. While for newly launched sites low numbers of visitors in the beginning are just normal, if you want to make your site popular faster, […]

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Turn “Evasive” Prospects Into Loyal Customer In 5 Easy Steps. Thanks Social Media!

7 February 2022 By Rahul Garg

Nothing is more frustrating than unpredictable or evasive prospects! Having you ever been so close to closing a sale, then your soon-to-become-a-customer vanished from the face of the earth? I had been there! And it feels BITTER! Who would want to invest their time and effort in vain? Lucky for us, social media came to rescue! If […]

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Tongue Twisting Social Media On Digital Slang.

7 February 2022 By Rahul Garg

The concepts of Social Networking ideas have entered deep into our lives to an extent that it is ruling our minds now. People around the world have started depending upon the updates, news, videos, pictures, games and so from the sites like Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter etc. People nowadays use these sites to find and […]

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Substance, Authorship And Social Media.

7 February 2022 By Rahul Garg

With all of the latest Google Webmaster Guideline Updates and Changes, it’s no wonder that the blogosphere is scattering to make improvements to their content and site structure. Of course, they own more than 65% of the search market, so abiding by what they say may be a good idea. Likewise, it’s been proven that search […]

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Social Media Policy Concern Or Challenges.

7 February 2022 By Rahul Garg

Social media has become the de facto medium to air and receive opinion-both the public and polity. To facilitate its use and prevent abuse effective policies are required. Some of these are already being formulated. One such bouquet of policies is being readied by the US government. Social media, commonly associated with Web2.0 technology, allows […]

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How To Manage Online Reputation Across Multiple Language.

7 February 2022 By Rahul Garg

Whatever business you happen to be in, your reputation is one of your greatest assets. Building brand awareness is every bit as important (if people haven’t heard of you in the first place, there’s no reputation to manage) but once they have, the way people perceive your brand is crucial to your success. The Internet has undoubtedly opened up […]

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Boosting Your Freelance Profile Through Blogging.

7 February 2022 By Rahul Garg

There are many challenges of freelancing that can derail you on the road to success. From client management, to coping with distractions while working from home and even mundane tasks such as invoicing. There are many aspects of freelancing that are all designed to test the skills and patience of a freelancer, and thus only those who […]

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Blogging Can Make Your Riches To Rags Too.

7 February 2022 By Rahul Garg

Blogging arena has emerged as the sweet segment for the budding webmasters and those considering becoming rich quickly. However, over concentration and reliance on blogging can work against the established networks over a period of time. The webmasters often tend to align themselves more to changing SEO dynamics rather than writing quality content for the end users and as […]

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10 Useful Google Chrome Extension For Bloggers.

7 February 2022 By Rahul Garg

Google Chrome extensions have continued to increase in popularity since the arrival of the browser, and now offer tools that can help people with just about anything they are doing on the Internet. With such a large number of extensions now being offered, Chrome does a good job of categorizing them and presenting them in […]

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