Using Pinterest Correctly In Marketing.
10 August 2022Using Pinterest as a marketing tool is more about understanding and utilizing concepts than it is about following a prescribed list of steps. Although it is important to post a pin featuring every product you sell, that is just an intuitive step when you work to fulfil a larger goal.
Your goal is to create your business’s image on Pinterest. You create your image by beginning with a drawing board.
Meet with a few of the key players in your company and plan out what message you’re trying to show on Pinterest. Established regimes usually have a slogan or image they’ve been showing the public for a while.
Talk about that message, figure out if that’s what you really want to be telling your audience about you. Creating the wrong image for your customer base won’t attract the right people to your business.

If you are a technological company, you might want to tell the world that you value state-of-the-art innovation that improves lives. You of course need to produce technology that does just that for people to believe you.
When you’ve decided on your message, you need to lay in stone a few keywords that will dictate what your page looks like and what you pin. For the technology company you might want the following: innovative, user-friendly, and new.
When you’ve decided on your keywords, write a paragraph description of your company to paste into your info area. This paragraph will help visitors to know who you are, what you do and what you value.
As you begin using Pinterest, only post things that display the qualities dictated by your keywords. Every post for the technology company should be innovative, user-friendly, or new.
The more often you pin things that follow those stipulations, the better you’ll create an image as “the source for everything innovative, user-friendly and new” and people will start coming to you for those things. Even if you don’t sell the product they want to see, they’ll view you as their hub of information.
Be careful of posting things that aren’t directly involved with those keywords. Posting pins of your young daughter might not be the best way to convey that message to the world.
Although she may be adorable, she’s not going to be as interesting to your customer base as is a pin of the newest high-def, 76″ LED TV. If you ran a business that sold baby products, it might be a bit more appropriate.

One more thing you can do is take nice photos of real people using your products. Take a picture of a normal person using your products in a normal home, not one of a model using it on a set.
Although they’ll see that your products have that model quality in other pins, they’ll also get to see that real people use it too. That will bring your company to a more human level that’s respectable and trustworthy.
People want to buy someone that they think is down to earth. This will give that element to them.
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