How To Create Content Marketing Strategy For A Blog.
13 January 2022Table of Contents
- Content is playing a major role to establish our blog, whenever you read any article on various topics like:
- Guidelines For Content Creation Strategy
- 4 Web Design Tips For Micro Websites.
- Pre-Writing Strategies For Your Blog Posts.
- The Stolen Scream Protecting Your Image Online.
- How To Do Digital Marketing For My Business
Content is playing a major role to establish our blog, whenever you read any article on various topics like:
How to get backlinks?
How to increase my blog traffic?
How to get organic traffic to your blog?
How to increase social shares?
How to influence influencers’ to share your content?
For all these questions
We get “Unique Content Or Epic Content” as one of the main answers
Creating unique content for every article is not possible for anybody even expert bloggers struggle for unique content, but we can add value to any topic by adding case studies, user experiences, reviews.
Content marketing strategy is a focused plan to create and promote our content to acquire and retain visitors to our blog or website.
We can divide content marketing into two parts
- Content creation strategy
- Content Promotion strategy
Content creation strategy helps to create valuable, relevant, focused, and consistent content to attract visitors to provide solutions for their problems.
Creating content to communicate with your readers to provide better solutions consistently with all possible ways will bring loyal audience to our blog.
Guidelines For Content Creation Strategy
Refine Your Target Visitors
First and foremost thing we should know is who our blog visitors are and what they do for living, and what solutions they are looking for on internet.
Whenever we are creating content we should refine our target visitors and our content has to provide a good solution to your audience.
Ask these questions to refine your target visitors
- Who is my blog visitor?
- What solution I am providing
- What is the benefit to our visitor?
- What value I am adding to the article
Set Content Creation Goals
Setting goals which are time bound can give us chance to evaluate our results, if we don’t set any goals for our content creation then we will waste lot of time on some other things which are not productive and at the end of the month we can’t evaluate ourselves.
Goals have to be realistic, time bound, documented plan.
Create A Clickable Content Idea List
Just think you are surfing online for some solutions, list of the topics which made you to click that link in search results or sometimes we click lot of topics on social media or digital magazines like FlipBoard or Zite(these are apps for IOS & Android), write down the title names of those articles, analyze what made to read that article.
Buzzsumo and Buzzfeed will give you a lot of information about clickable content and which content is performing best on social media.
Use Editorial Calendar
This is the best option to make us more discipline for content creation strategy, if we want to be successful then sticking to our editorial calendar is must.
Editorial calendar saves a lot of time, once you finalize your clickable content idealist; incorporate that list into an editorial calendar to decide which date you are publishing those contents on your blog.
Plan Different Formats of Content
Now content is diversifying into different formats, we have to change ourselves according to the trend otherwise we will lag behind next generation.
Most of us know what format of content is getting popular these days, but we fear to step into those formats because we are not much comfortable with those formats.
For Example
Videos, Infographics, Slideshare, EBooks, and Podcasts.
Plan your content on all different formats.
I think most us are well knowledgeable about content promotion strategy, so I am not going in-depth about this topic, still I will remind short and simple message about Content promotion strategy
We know the places where we are getting traffic to our blog and it depends on individual, new bloggers get a lot of traffic from forums, social media, and blogging communities, expert bloggers get traffic from email marketing and search engines.
Social Media Promotion
Social Media is the best source to promote our content, but all social media platforms will not work in the same way, every social medium has its own strengths and weaknesses, it’s better to know about the social media platforms and promote according to its rules.
Organic Traffic
Optimizing our content for SEO is must to get organic traffic; we have to take care of on page SEO optimization to get better rankings for our keywords, this is one of the main content marketing strategies for long run benefit to our blog.
Referral Traffic
Curate sites, blogging communities, forums, and blog comments bring decent referral traffic to our blog, there are so many curate sites, forums, and blog communities are available, but we have to list out some best sources to concentrate on.
Focusing on limited number of forums and blogging communities will give us best results.
Email Marketing
Email marketing is giving best results to the expert bloggers, these people are loyal readers of your blog, conversion rate is very high with these subscribers because of this reason all ecommerce sites are concentrating on email marketing.
Conclusion: As I said before content marketing strategy is used to organize ourselves for continuously create and promote our content to acquire and retain visitors to our blog, kindly share your opinions and thoughts about Content Marketing strategy to add value to this article.