How To Create Your FACEMASH Like Website.
16 November 2022I am fan of movie The Social Network. The movie was too good and gave a brief history of Facebook. Those who watched that movie, know that movie was too good and if you did not watch this movie yet, then i recommend you to watch it please. What about this post is.We watched in that how mark zuckerberg created HOT or NOT website in just few hours while he was drunk also?In this post we will do exact like that.
You can search on internet about how to create a website like HOT or NOT (facemash). There are various websites but all of them use same Scripts. Original Scripts was given by Denmark anders .In this post i will show you how to use that scripts to create your own website like HOT or NOT.
Just follow all steps.
STEP : 1
Download scripts from here. These are some codes which you will need to create a website like facemash. These are
- index.php
- functions.php
- mysql.php
- rate.php
- install_images.php
Now choose a free webhost to run your website. As always i recommend you to choose 000webhost.com for its easy interface.
- be careful while choosing domain name. try this type domain name like “your college name hotchicks.com “
STEP : 3
- Create a database for your website. click on mysql button on your webhost dashboard
- now configure your database settings
- check information about your database
Table of Contents
STEP : 4
- Now you have to configure downloaded script.
- open script mysql.php on notepad and edit your database name, host and password setting
- and save the script.
STEP : 5
- Upload these files to your webhost account.
- login into file manager and go into directory public.html
- upload all the scripts here one by one
STEP : 6
- make a new folder named as “images” in public.html directory
- upload all your images to this folder.
- you can upload all images at once using a zip file.
STEP : 7
- Now login into php my admin and execute this mysql code.
`battle_id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`winner` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL,
`loser` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`battle_id`),
KEY `winner` (`winner`)
`image_id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`filename` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`score` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '1500',
`wins` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`losses` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY (`image_id`)
Congrats you made facemash in just half an hour while mark zuckerberg took 4 hrs to make facemash
errors are welcome through comments.