Hack Someones Facebook Or Gmail From Tabnapping Method.
19 November 2022This post is a advance level version to hack someone’s facebook and gmail account. it can works on also other social sites.
As our website’s name says it’s all about hacking. That’s why we work regular on new hacking tricks to create a niche for our website and to provide our visitors best of them. The trick i am going to tell you in this post is not so popular yet.
That method not works for you then you can apply this method. Before read this post i recommend you to fire up my previous post to learn some basic of facebook and gmail hacks and phishing to easily hack into someone’s facebook or gmail account.
Disclaimer– This tutorial is for educational propose only. The main motive behind the post is to guide as many as people how hackers hack Emails or how they can steal your information easily. We do not recommend anyone to try this process. If someone face problems after applying this, Neither author nor DICC Will be responsible.
Table of Contents
- Tabnapping
- Configure Files and Scripts
- Choose a webhost to get someonesfacebook passwords there
- Configure Your Website
- Access Your Website
- Best Hacker Distributions
- How To Protect Yourself From Security Attacks As A Remote Worker.
- Should I Hire A Hacker To Improve My Credit Score.
- How to Install Apps with Expired Certificate on Nokia Devices.
First of all thanks to that man who is behind this amazing trick? I search lots of about him or her but i cannot found him. Tell me through comments if i am breaking any copyrights. This method is similar like a phishing attack. You have nothing to do just follow this whole tutorial.

Configure Files and Scripts
As we have seen in previous phishing methods we need some files. This trick also require some files and scripts. in previous phishing methods i also shown you how to create that files. But here you have to be a good programmer to generate files. soi am providing direct download link here to make hacking of a facebook account easy for you.
- download tabnapping files from here
- extract the downloaded zip file

Choose a webhost to get someonesfacebook passwords there
You have to choose a webhosting provider. There are lots of free webhosting sites. And some of my regular visitors know that I always recommend to 000webhost.com. You can search on Google if you want another one.
Configure Your Website
- Go to 000webhost.com and sign up there. while sign up choose a domain name similar to “hardest game ever”
- now go to your control panel>file manager
- in file manager click on public.html
- first delete default.php file and then click on upload option
- now upload all the downloaded files one by one
- your phishing site is ready now

Access Your Website
- Now go to your domain name. and it will looks like this
- Yes it is a game or nothing. The game is so tough that one cannot complete this game. it needs too much practice
- after some time it will redirect automatically to different page
- here page will ask victim to share this game on facebook
- And when victim will enter his email and password in box then you can check all details in passwords.html file which is located in your file manager. you can check victims facebook passwords or gmail passwords by visiting www.yourdomainname.com/passwords.html
So this was tabnapping method to hack a facebook account for free. Notify me through comments about your errors and about give some review for this tabnapping technique.