Key To Successful Video Blogging.
15 February 2022Blogs have become an increasingly important tool for promoting and delivering information about your business over the past couple of years. They have been proven to increase traffic to a company’s website, build business, and establish trust with the amount of credible information they deliver.
Yet some companies are upgrading their blogs, and transforming from writers into producers through the use of video blogs, or vlogs. Vlogs are much more engaging with the viewers in that they add a more visual element to what would otherwise just be somebody speaking to them.
Though vlogs take much more time per entry to produce, the end result turns out to be much better and more interactive than a traditional blog would be. Any company that is considering starting a vlog, or upgrading their current blog to include video, should consider these few tips before officially making the move.
Table of Contents
A. Pick a Topic
This is easy for some companies who are industry-specific. Yet for some bloggers it is easy to get off the path and talk about other things. Choosing and staying with a topic is the most important thing any vlogger can do, because it maintains consistency and sticks to the interests of the specific niche audience the vlog is intended for.
Staying focused is the most important thing you can do. Neil Patel, one of Technorati’s top 100 bloggers and founder of a blog that teaches readers the ins and outs of online poker strategy, talks about staying focused: “Instead of getting involved with the self-promotional hype, I just concentrate on sharing my knowledge, which I think helped with my personal brand. And the main key to my success was that I let everything out. Because sooner or later others are going to know what you know, so might as well be the one to tell them.”
B. Be, or Find, a Good Public Speaker
Public speaking is statistically the number one fear of Americans. Yet a vlog cannot be successful without a narrator who is confident, enthusiastic, and is unafraid of speaking in front of potentially large audiences.
It can be fairly easier being in front of a camera rather than a live audience, because speakers don’t have to look directly at the audience and there is more of a chance to organize dialogue and follow a script more closely. Plus, if any mistakes are made, they can be edited out in no time.
What is stated in the vlog should be organized. There should not be an exact script of what should be said, because the speaker may come off as sounding robotic or apathetic about the topic. Use an outline with key points to be mentioned. Leaving that openness will make the narrator sound more casual and conversational while still keeping focus.
C. Use Visuals
The point of a vlog is for viewers to have an audio-visual experience, rather than just having to read. Nobody wants to stare at a screen for an extended period of time without seeing something besides the narrator’s face. Having visuals, like video clips, animations, and opening and closing sequences similar to the news will keep viewers hooked on the content and message of the video.
D. Stay Consistent
Consistency means a lot of things in the blogging world. It means keeping that consistent topic, but also a consistent appearance, mood, and posting frequency. Viewers like consistency because they know what to expect when they visit a blog over and over again.
Posting at a consistent rate will provide readers with the knowledge of when they need to come back to visit. Budgeting time to write a few times a week, once a week, or even once a month will have users coming back for more, so long as they know when they need to come back.
Anyone can be a successful vlogger with the right motivation and dedication, plus a knowledge of the tips mentioned above. There are opportunities now more than ever to utilize freedom of speech. So now is the time to go out, promote, and be successful.