What Makes Up A Good Blog.
19 March 2022I know a lot of you out there that have just started blogging might be wondering “What makes up a good blog?”.I’m going to share some information with you that I have discovered which I’m sure most professional bloggers already know.
First, think about other blogs you have read. What grabbed your attention? Did you want to know more about the person writing it? What’s their personality like and what do they have to contribute? Did their writing make you admire them for their passion on the subject? Most importantly, what obsesses this person?
All of these questions can make you want to return to his or her blog to find out. By reading someone’s blog on a regular basis, you can find out what this blogger is about and where his or her thoughts go. You can find out what they are passionate about or what they obsess over. One of the reasons people start blogs is because their brains think a lot. Maybe it’s only one thing or sometimes they obsess about many things. Their brains overflow with thought so they start writing about it. It makes you want to know where this person’s obsessions take him or her.
A good blog will show you where the writer’s attention tends to go. It will encourage you to follow the progress of their interest for a day, week, month, or even a year. A good blog captures your attention and holds it, making you want to follow along as the story unfolds.
When I think of someone blogging, I picture them sitting in a comfortable chair, sharing their thoughts while I listen with rapt attention, completely enthralled in what they are saying. That’s how you want your reader to feel when he or she reads your blog. Totally interested in your thoughts, wanting to hear any knowledge that you might share and not wanting to miss a minute of it. You want to capture their attention, hold on to it, and make them want to follow your blog, however far you take it.
Good blog posts are made up of paragraphs. By this, I mean they don’t have set limits on post minimums or maximums. That’s not a blog. That’s a website that hires writers. Which is ok but it’s not really a blog. A blog runs as long or as short as the writer’s thoughts.
Good blogs make you want to start your own blog. When you read about a blogger’s passion for their obsession, it makes you want to write about your own obsession. A good blog is written by a blogger who thinks longer, works harder, and obsesses more than the average person. Ultimately, a good blogger “tries”. And that is what makes a blog “good”.
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