Strategies For Maximum Results How To Plan Your Blog.

16 February 2022 By Rahul Garg

People all over the world have found the benefits of starting a blog too lucrative to pass up. You can make money through advertising and reviews, which can bring in a decent income for those looking to invest a little time. Even if you’re looking at a blog as more of a personal venture or […]

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Key To Successful Video Blogging.

15 February 2022 By Rahul Garg

Blogs have become an increasingly important tool for promoting and delivering information about your business over the past couple of years. They have been proven to increase traffic to a company’s website, build business, and establish trust with the amount of credible information they deliver. Yet some companies are upgrading their blogs, and transforming from […]

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How To Reduce Spam By 90%.

15 February 2022 By Rahul Garg

Spamming is one of the most troubling issues faced by bloggers. If you don’t use an anti-spam plugin, your comment section is bombarded with comments mainly targeted for self promotion or for selling a product. This may not be a very big problem for blogs who are just starting out or the ones which are not […]

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How Many Times Can A Keyword Be Used In A Blog Post.

15 February 2022 By Rahul Garg

One of the first lessons we learn when doing SEO of our blog posts is to use a healthy number of keywords within the article. Search engine algorithms are created such that they consider the keyword density in an article. The better the density, the better chances that article will rank higher for that particular keyword. However, […]

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4 Web Design Tips For Micro Websites.

15 February 2022 By Rahul Garg

We’ve probably all heard the term ‘micro website’ or ‘microsite’, but how many of us without a web design degree actually know what it refers to or what the purpose of such a site is? A micro website is a small separate website that is linked to a primary website. Micro websites can be a terrific approach to online […]

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Are You Ready To Start Blogging.

15 February 2022 By Rahul Garg

A twitter friend asked a question: “I can write about blogging, but not sure if I should”. I found this question very relevant to the present scenario. The ever increasing number of bloggers populating different niches and especially, crowding the popular ones make it difficult to decide whether to start a blog in a particular […]

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12 Easy Ways To Improve Your Blog.

15 February 2022 By Rahul Garg

Blogging has changed dramatically since the first blogs hit the internet in 1997. Evolving from online diaries of the writer’s life, today’s blogs have a wide range of faces and functions. Some blogs come and go while others sustain themselves for years becoming niche hubs and popular destinations. Aside from talent and commitment what separates […]

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5 Valuable Tips I Learnt From Outsourcing Work.

15 February 2022 By Rahul Garg

Outsourcing your work saves you time and effort. This free time can be spent on more productive activities which will improve your chances of becoming a successful professional blogger and internet marketer. When I started out in my internet marketing career, I always had to do everything myself, but as I became more successful I […]

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