Author: Rahul Garg

17 September 2022

What Do Sitemaps Have To Do With Generating Traffic.

Without sitemaps, do you think Google crawlers get lost on their way to gather and index your latest blog post? Well I tell you this that sitemaps is a great component to have and aids in generating traffic for your site. In this post I’m going to talk about what they are and how they benefit your blog. When it comes to helping search engine […]

15 September 2022

Why You’re Not Generating Traffic From Your Target Market.

You keep hearing that you must focus on your target market right? So what if you find your target market, but yet you’re still not getting the traffic you desire? Just because you’re doing affiliate marketing or MLM doesn’t mean everyone in those industry is going to be interested in what you have to say. In this post I will go into more detail about […]

15 September 2022

Why Your Free Blog Theme Can Give You Problems.

How Many Of You use A Free Blog Theme in WordPress? At first using a free blog theme seems great, but one thing I learned is that the price may sound good at first but it can cost you later on. What do I mean by this? In the post I will go into detail about “The Cost” of having a free blog theme and what would […]

6 September 2022

5 Simple Tips For A Daily Social Media Promotion Plan.

There are many of you who are frustrated with your social media promotion plan. You have a daily social media plan to promote your blog as well as other products and services you promote. The problem is you’re not getting any great results. And I’m not just talking about getting sales conversions. You’re just not getting any traffic you can brag about, comments on your […]

5 September 2022

Why Social Media Automated Tools Won’t Work For You.

If you want to work smart or are pressed for time, then one clever way to get the best out of your time is using Social Media Automated Tools. When you discover that there are a plethora of Social Media Automated Tools that will help you promote your content, it’s as almost you found the promise land. Especially discovering with free tools and those premium […]

5 September 2022

Commit, Connect, Convert (3 Tricks To Becoming An Online Heavyweight).

When I was doing Network Marketing 3 important elements that the leaders stress were to commit yourself, connect with as many people as possible, and be able to build your list and sell your products and/or opportunity. They use to fire us all up about going out to build our network marketing businesses. We all wanted to make a better life for ourselves and to […]

5 September 2022

3 Elements To Focus On To Help You Save Time.

Ok, so you’re a solopreneur with a full-time job. You have goals and ambitions, but the fact that your job hinders you to really focus on your business venture doesn’t help you at all. You don’t have a lot of time which means you only want to know what you really need to focus on in order to get a good jump start on your […]

22 August 2022

PAYTM से Offline Payment कैसे करें Without Internet.

Offline Payment With Paytm Without Internet !! जी हां आपने बिलकुल सही सुना अब आप बिना Internet और बिना किसी Smart Phone के PayTm से किसी को भी Offline Payment कर सकते हो। अगर इसके बारे में आप पूरा जानना चाहते हो की कैसे बिना Internet के Paytm से Offline Payment कैसे करे तो पूरा पोस्ट जरूर पढ़ें। जैसा की आपको पता है कि Paytm […]

22 August 2022

OAuth क्या है – 1 Click में Online Account कैसे बनाए.

OAuth क्या है!!! इस जानकारी को शुरू करने से पहले मै आपको और भी कुछ बताऊँगा जिससे आप OAuth को समझने में आसानी होगी। आपको पता ही होगा की इंटरनेट की दुनिया में हर चीज़ एक दूसरे से जुडी है और वहीँ बात करे तो Websites आज लोगो के बहुत काम आते है। चाहे वो वेबसाइट जानकारी लेने के लिए हो या कुछ काम या […]

22 August 2022

KeyBoard ABCDE की जगह QWERTY में क्यों होते है। जानें.

आज इस पोस्ट में हम जानेंगे की आपके Keyboard ABCDE की जगह QWERTY में क्यों लिखे हुए होते है।क्या आपने कभी अपने Keyboard के Keys को देख कर ये सोचा है कि उसके Keys टेढ़े मेढ़े Alphabets में क्यों लिखे है मतलब वो सीधा सीधा ABCDE में क्यों नहीं लिखे। इसके पीछे का कारण क्या है? तो मै आज आपको इसके पीछे का कारण बताऊँगा […]