Being Prepared Can Get You More Subscriber And Shares.

27 July 2022 By Rahul Garg

Generally, bloggers rely on an opt-in form in their sidebar or header to get subscribers. And that’s okay but it may not bring a torrent of new people joining your list, as you may have discovered. The trouble is though that building your list is paramount if you’re serious about building a business around your blog. Why? Because […]

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Ultimate Social Deux The Ultimate Social Media Plugin.

27 July 2022 By Rahul Garg

I mentioned in my last post – Social Media Buttons: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly – that I use a premium plugin for my social media buttons. It’s called Ultimate Social Deux. Over the past few months I’ve tried a number of different options to add those important little buttons on my site. I’ve tried free […]

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Social Media Buttons The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly.

26 July 2022 By Rahul Garg

When it comes to social media buttons, there are now so many options out there it’s difficult to know what to use. Do you go for a free plugin, a paid one, adding code to your site, or just leave the buttons off your site altogether? There are pros and cons for all of those options. But […]

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The More Things Stay The Same The More They Change.

22 July 2022 By Rahul Garg

It’s not far off three years since I started this blog. What started out as a project to win world domination has grown legs and become something to keep me out of mischief. It’s a way I can help people and get to know others who I wouldn’t necessarily meet under normal circumstances. It’s become part of […]

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Is It Okay To Write About The Same Stuff As Everyone Else.

20 July 2022 By Rahul Garg

So this is how it goes… You’ve hit a creative brick wall and can’t think of anything to write about so you start looking for inspiration. According to many blog posts I’ve read on writer’s block the sequence now follows this pattern: Come up with a fairly broad but relevant subject; Consider using a content generator […]

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How To Substantially Grow Your Email list In Just 90 Days.

20 July 2022 By Rahul Garg

Can you imagine adding a thousand or more subscribers to your email list in the next 90 days? I know I can. But is that really realistic? I’ve talked about the ideal placement for your opt in forms to get more subscribers and how to add them to your blog exactly where you want. I’ve also mentioned how you […]

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Where Does My Blog Go Next.

20 July 2022 By Rahul Garg

I’ve been deliberating over the past few weeks how I should take things forward on my blog. Recently a couple of things have happened which made me question everything I’ve been working towards. THE EU STRIKES AGAIN The first was the change to the VAT rules in the EU. I was planning to start offering […]

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Are All Bloggers Created Equal.

16 July 2022 By Rahul Garg

It’s funny how certain situations can make or break you. My daughter’s not been sleeping well over the past few nights and I’m tired. I’m sure I could win the grumpiest dad in the world competition even. But it’s also given me some quiet time to think lying awake in the dark. An article I […]

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6 Tips For Successfull Email Marketing Campaign.

16 July 2022 By Rahul Garg

Email marketing is an essential tool when it comes to reaching new audiences and informing your subscribers about new products or services. It’s a secure way to generate a good return on investment (ROI) and gives immediate results (if done properly). Email marketing knows no boundaries. It continues to establish itself as a necessary tool for any […]

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How To Increase Page View In 6 Simple Steps.

15 July 2022 By Rahul Garg

After a visitor comes to your blog and reads a post, where do they go next? In an ideal world, you want them to stay on your blog to read more. If they don’t know you have anything more to offer though they will leave and become another bounce rate statistic. There are ways to encourage visitors to […]

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