Best Tools For Bug Bounty.
31 January 2023Bug Bounty is a program maintained by several companies that pay cybersecurity researchers for flaws found in their applications. These failures reported by the researchers are evaluated according to the level of criticality for the business, and then a financial reward is paid to the researcher.
In other words, it’s like having a team of “good hackers” working directly on the security evolution of the solutions that companies create.
Entering this Bug Bounty universe requires a lot of curiosity and fundamental knowledge in hacking and cybersecurity techniques. This knowledge can be obtained through research and reading of free content on the internet, or through complete professional training such as Hackzone.
We have selected the top 10 and best tools to use in the practice of Bug Bounty.
Table of Contents
Burp Suit
You can’t talk about Bug Bounty without mentioning the Burp Suite which is a fantastic tool for request handling, mapping and initial analysis of an attack surface, password cracking, vulnerability analysis among other functions.
It can be used to search for hidden content in the application, such as files and directories, allowing you to find other attack vectors. It is important to make it clear that the success of this tool depends a lot on the dictionaries used.

It is a tool that does detailed DNS enumeration, attack surface mapping, and external asset discovery.
Hstrike is a complete tool developed by HackerSec that has several options such as gathering information about the target, vulnerability analysis, password testing and file analysis.
It is one of the computerized scanners that scans the domain for various security flaws like XSS, SQLi, RCE and many more. It is an open-source tool based on the Python language.

It analyzes and scans web pages extracting links and forms, it also uses scripts to send payloads and look for error messages, special strings or abnormal behavior.

Google Dorks
It’s a solid option to use when searching for hidden data on web pages. This tool relies on Google’s website indexing power and this volume of data is useful for Bug Hunters. Google Dorks also does a good job with network mapping and can help you find subdomains.
Cookie Editor
With Cookie Editor you can easily have the list of all cookies on the current page and manage existing sessions.
It is a penetration testing tool that automates the process of detecting SQL Injection failures, widely used for Bug Bounty.

Facilitates the detection and exploitation of Command Injection vulnerabilities in certain vulnerable parameters.
With these tips and the content, you can find on Hackzone’s blog and social networks, you’ll be ready to start your career in one of the most promising and financially rewarding areas of cybersecurity.