6 Major Roadblock in Blogger’s Success.
24 February 2022Online industry is growing at a rapid rate. Due to its immense growth, more and more people are getting attracted to it. Due to the increase in the number of bloggers, the competition to become a success has become more and more difficult. The situation is such, that either the bloggers get frustrated and quit blogging or they get stuck at a point where their blogs stops growing.
Many bloggers wonder: “Hey, I am blogging for around x number of years, but that guy has reached the top list in a span of one year. What am I doing wrong?”.
My answer to this query is that each blogger has to complete a journey to become a successful blogger. This journey includes many small stops such as learning, experimentation etc. You cannot complete your journey without stopping at each stop (some might take lesser time to complete). Also, the final part of the road which leads to success is usually filled with big roadblocks.
You are not able to achieve success, because you are not able to remove the roadblocks and move ahead. You just stand still. The ability to remove these roadblocks transforms you from an average blogger to a problogger. But, you maybe wondering, what types of roadblocks exist and how can one overcome them?
Table of Contents
- Broadly, there are 6 types of roadblocks:
- 6 Major Roadblocks
- Missing the Right Approach
- No Drive
- Giving little attention to readers
- Narrow Viewpoint
- Procrastination
- Lacking the Basic Skills
- All You Need To Know About Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
- How Does SEO Affect Your Blog.
- Dofollow Blog Comment Are Of No Use!
- Top 10 digital marketing institutes in Delhi
Broadly, there are 6 types of roadblocks:
6 Major Roadblocks
Missing the Right Approach
Blogging is like a puzzle. In order to solve it, you have to use your mind and apply a logical approach. In blogging, there are multiple ways to get traffic, but, only a few of them provide quality traffic which persists. Each and every aspect of blogging can be performed by multiple ways. But, only a few of them can be considered the “right approach”. Mostly, bloggers waste time on using multiple approaches, instead of focusing on a few which will get them better results.
Solution: Experiment with all the possible techniques. Once, you have found a technique that works for you, stick with it and make the most of it.
No Drive
I get extremely lazy when I have to study philosophy because, I don’t like it, I am not passionate about it. But, when i study maths and science, I get super excited. Similarly, I cannot grow my blog, if i don’t like what i do. Any type of work, which is done without any interest, will never be above average. But, a job which is done with full passion, will have the potential of being great!
If you lack the passion, you will not have the required drive to become a consistent blogger. Instead of thinking of blogging as a fun activity, you will think of it as burden which has been loaded on your fragile back. Slowly, you will see your productivity and quality dipping.
Solution: Do what you like. If you like pipes, write about them. There is no point in writing about a topic which does not interest you.
Giving little attention to readers
Most bloggers make the blunder of ignoring their readers. Readers are of paramount importance with respect to a blog. It is the real “social” part of the blog. It is the way you get your feedback and the way you learn what others have to say. Readers have the power to make or break your reputation. A happy reader will always promote your blog and recommend it to others. On the other hand, an unhappy reader will try very hard to tarnish your blog’s reputation.
Solution: Value your readers. Try to involve yourself in regular discussion and try to solve reader’s problems. Also, take reader’s suggestions really seriously and make it a point to make amendments to your blog accordingly. Finally, do not try to satisfy your reader, try to achieve reader’s delight!
Narrow Viewpoint
We are all human beings. We are all born and brought up in a certain environment. While growing up, we start developing opinions and thoughts about various things. These opinions and thoughts are reflected in our way of writing. The best thing about opinions is that they can be changed. But, only if you approach everything with an open mind. A narrow minded approach will always lead to friction. A comment forum can easily convert into an ideological warfare, if a person sticks to his beliefs and doesn’t listen to what others have to say on the issue.
Solution: Be open to new ideas. Even if you disagree with something, politely discuss with the opposite party. Who knows, you might actually learn something useful from the discussion
It is the biggest threat to productivity. People tend to delay writing articles and doing stuff because they are either too lazy or they think they can do it later. But, that time never comes when you actually write the article. If you don’t have enough content, how can you expect your blog to reach the top.
Solution: According to an Indian Saying “Do tomorrow’s work today and today’s work at this moment. You may never know what happens next, so better do the work now!” So, don’t procrastinate and complete each task at the earliest.
Lacking the Basic Skills
A blogger has to have certain basic skills. Firstly, a blogger has to be a good writer (need not be a great one). Writing is an essential part of blogging. Without good writing, a blog has no value. A good piece of writing has the ability to attract as well as engage with readers and also bring huge amount of traffic.
Most bloggers focus on blog promotion but they forget that the blog they are promoting will never get much traffic because it lacks in the quality of writing.
Secondly, a blogger also has to be a good networker. A blogger should be able to build good relationships with other bloggers to create a circle of influence which will help you promote your blog in the future.
Thirdly, a blogger has to be a good manager. He should know how to manage the various resources in hand as well as schedule tasks for efficient functioning of the blog. Also, he should be able to outsource activities which he is not very good at. For eg. if you are not good at seo, you can hire seo experts for that.
Solution: If you lack any one or more than one skill. Try to make it a part of your system. With practise, you will acquire these skills.
Have you faced any roadblocks in your blogging journey? If yes, tell us how you got rid of it?